
Drop Shipping service, which is used by many eshops all over the world, can be applied to the PrestaShopMagentoOpenCart or VirtueMart platform. We offer editing of your eshop website or creating a new eshop website for dropshipping service. The changes concern the final step of customer’s order. A new order will be saved in the eShop database and sent to the Accounting System (or Inventory system) of your dealer at the same time.

Common routines include methods which are executed at the moment of user’s confirmation of an order. Next steps of dropshipping integration depend on your requirements. It means that dropshipping request can be sent to your supplier after you confirm the order in administration.

For example:

You as dropshipper have got an agreement with your dealer. At first step the order from customer is saved into your eshop and at the same time it is sent to your supplier. Then the administrator of your eshop waits for the payment from the customer. After payment confirmation of order the request will be sent to the wholesale supplier.

Sending of an order to your wholesaler is carried out according to the beforehand defined communication protocol.

Each product is updated automatically by CRON task synchronization therefore it is assured that you offer the same products as your wholesaler.

  • Your customers are buying products from your store at the retail price.
  • You are receiving confirmation emails from your payment processor – PayPal, Autorize.net…
  • You are repeating these orders (or system can do it itself) at the dropshipping company website using your billing info and your customer shipping info, but at the wholesale price.
  • You are making profit from the difference between retail and wholesale price for products and shipping without touching or seeing any product.
  • They are shipping your orders to your customers and sending you the UPS tracking codes.
  • The actual inventory is maintained by the dropshipping company only.
  • Your store inventory is updated automatically by our program connected to the dropshipping company.